What if the panic over teens and tech is totally wrong?https://www.vox.com/technology/372690/instgram-teen-accounts-kid-safety-mental-health
Article équilibré mais son titre me déplait. Comme je l'ai dit dans un autre article, je ne pense pas qu'on puisse parler de panique (lire mon article). On peut en revanche parler d'inquiétude (parfois très forte) légitime et justifiée.
“I hear that talk of a ban as a kind of howl of despair, really, that we’ve lost control,” said Sonia Livingstone, a professor of social psychology at the London School of Economics, who has been studying kids and tech for decades. “We’ve lost control of the feed from the companies, and we’ve lost control of our education and our health and our family life by accepting — as part of whatever kind of Faustian contract — the infrastructure of commerce.”
In other words, we’re letting the tech companies win.
Companies like Meta make money by getting their users to engage more with their products, so they can collect data about them and sell targeted ads accordingly. Instagram’s new Teen Accounts might make parents feel like they have a bit more control over how their kids factor into these transactions, but their kids’ attention is still the product.
Source : Technology – Vox