Intelligence artificielle (IA) et Travail Social : pourquoi faut-il sérieusement s'y intéresser ? | Didier Dubasque
Les travailleurs sociaux ont de bonnes raisons de se former aux effets et usages de l'intelligence artificielle.
Désinformation : pendant les européennes, la réponse des plateformes a été faible
Source : Next - Flux Complet
The end of the social network
The weird magic of online social networks was to combine personal interactions with mass communication. Now this amalgam is splitting in two again. Status updates from friends have given way to videos from strangers that resemble a hyperactive tV. Public posting is increasingly migrating to closed groups, rather like email.
The striking feature of the new social media is that they are no longer very social. Inspired by TikTok, apps like Facebook increasingly serve a diet of clips selected by artificial intelligence according to a user’s viewing behaviour, not their social connections. Meanwhile, people are posting less
Yet this new world of social-media brings its own problems. Messaging apps are largely unmoderated [... ]Politicians in India have used WhatsApp to spread lies that would surely have been removed from an open network like Facebook.
Status and Culture: How Our Desire for Social Rank Creates Taste, Identity, Art, Fashion, and Constant Change
Intéressante lecture merci Anthony
China just announced a new social credit law. Here’s what it means.
Instead, the system that the central government has been slowly working on is a mix of attempts to regulate the financial credit industry, to enable government agencies to share data with each other, and to promote state-sanctioned moral values—however vague that last one in particular sounds. There’s no evidence yet that this system has been abused for widespread social control (though it remains possible that it could be wielded to hurt individual rights).